Why Do I go throught Catholic Virtual

By Barack Perez Pani

Well the first reason because I agree to do catholic virtual was to learn more and grew my knowledge.

But also because it was interesting how you could get 2 diplomas of highschool one from Marymount and the other for an American school.

So when I have to go to college I can easily be accepted in U.S university with great education for young people.

What I am learning

In this moths I have being working I had learn to program in a basic level of structuring and desing on html.

In the next link I will show you what I have done.

News Article Proyect

Animal Farm

Starter Gallery Assignment

Car images

Table Assignment


Forms Assignment

Math Test

Color Assignment

Color Scheme Assignment Animal

Menu Assingment

Niguls Resturant Menu

Better table Assingment

Upgrade table

Staff Page Assignment

Robbing Bank

A Flexible Puzzle Assignment

Fish Puzzle

Scorecards Assignment

Scorecard 1

Scorecard 2

Scorecard 3

Video Embedding Tutorial Assignment


The ImitationAssignment


Review Cards Assignment

History Review Cards

Responsive Blog Post

Mexican Park

Final Proyect


What is html


Downloud PFD

Link Text